We continued along the path, only having to return back the same way about 20 minutes later as the Chimps were on the move and changed direction.
Once we reached the Stream again Caesar was already there, with Christmas, Alofu and a few females and babies.
Caesar arrived at the Stream first, surprising the baby Blue Duiker, and he quickly snatched it up! Even though his mother Cynthia, and a few of the others begged he refused to share his prized source of protein with any of them!
Chimpanzees are omnivorous, so their feeding depends on fruits, leaves, buds, seeds, bark, insects, eggs, and small mammals. Even though their favourite diet is fruits, which they usually spend most of their day searching for or feeding on, they would never allow a good opportunity to feed on meat pass by.
Especially not the M group chimps, they enjoy meat quite often and hunt anything from young pigs, monkeys to small antelope.
(Picture – Blue Duiker ... before) (Video – Caesar and Blue Duiker ... after)
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