Kalunde is the first chimp we encountered after arriving in Mahale over a year ago. One afternoon we found him quietly feeding on tree bark in the bushes along the beach. This old, bald and grey chimp immediately stole our hearts.
But we soon realized that there's much more to him than just a gentle face. He is also known as 'The King Maker' because of his successful political techniques, and the influence that he has on the rest of the group.
He is the only survivor from the Ntologe regime and although he might be thought too over the hill to be considered a ranking male these days, (and on a one to one basis, most males could beat him) he tends to control the group through the others.
He is also a favourite amoungst the females in the group, and has a special friendship with Mkobo, and older female.
Kalunde often visits Kungwe, we often find him at the camp in one or two of his favourite spots. In this picture he is relaxing on the beach in front of the Managers tent.